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Spouse visa UK

What is Spouse Visa?

A Partner Visa or Spouse Visa is a visa route leading to settlement in the UK which allows a non-UK national to come and join their partner/spouse in the UK. If you are successful, you’ll be granted a 30 months visa to stay in the UK.
Before the visa expires you need to apply for extension and if successful you will be granted another 30 months permission to stay in the UK with you partner/spouse. Upon completion of 5 years you will be eligible for Indefinite Leave to remain (ILR) which allows you to live in
the UK without any time restriction. This is also known as settlement.

Who can apply for Spouse Visa?

To be eligible to apply for spouse visa your partner must also either:
1. Be a British or Irish citizen have settled in the UK – for example, they have indefinite leave to remain, settled status or proof of permanent residence
2. Be from the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein and have pre-settled status – they must have started living in the UK before 1 January 2021
3. Have a Turkish Businessperson visa or Turkish Worker visa
5. Have refugee status or humanitarian protection in the UK
6. You and your partner must intend to live together permanently in the UK after you apply

What are the requirements for Spouse Visa?

Before you can apply for Spouse Visa, you need to meet the following requirements:
– Pass the Genuine relationship test.
– Meet the financial threshold requirements.
– Demonstrate the required knowledge of English.
– Proof od suitable accommodation for partner and dependants (if any).
– Depending of country of residence, you need to prove negative Tuberculosis (TB) test.
– Provide other required documents.
Contact us today and we will guide you through the process.

What is the financial requirement for spouse Visa?

(a) a specified gross annual income of at least:
(i) £18,600;
(ii) an additional £3,800 for the first child; and
(iii) an additional £2,400 for each additional child; alone or in combination with
(b) Specified Savings of:
(i) £16,000; and
(ii) Additional savings of an amount equivalent to 2.5 times the amount which is the
difference between the gross annual income from the sources listed in paragraph and
the total amount required under paragraph E-ECP.3.1.
When determining whether the financial requirement is met only the following sources will be taken
into account:
a) Income of the partner from specified employment or self-employment, which, in respect of
a partner returning to the UK with the applicant, can include specified employment or self-employment overseas and in the UK;
b) Specified pension income of the applicant and partner;
c) Any specified maternity allowance or bereavement benefit received by the partner in the UK or
d) Any specified payment relating to service in HM forces received by the applicant or partner;
e) Other specified income of the applicant and partner and
f) Specified savings of the applicant and partner
English language requirement:
The applicant must provide specified evidence that they are either:
a) Are a national of a majority English speaking country.
b) Have passed an English language test in speaking and listening at a minimum of level A1 of
the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages with a provider approved by
the Secretary of State.
c) have an academic qualification which is either a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree or PhD
awarded by an educational establishment in the UK; or, if awarded by an educational
establishment outside the UK, is deemed by Ecctis to meet or exceed the recognized
standard of a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree or PhD in the UK, and Ecctis has confirmed that
the degree was taught or researched in English to level A1 of the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages or above.
d) Are exempt from the English language requirement.